Hi Ian, thanks for the response, i did all you set, but im still receiving
when i try to use sa-learn from mailwatch GUI.
thanks in advance.
Post by PiensaHost - Hugo LozaPost by PiensaHost - Hugo Lozai checked the logs, nothing on exim4 logs, and nothing on
webserver(apache) logs. when i use the sa-learn from MailWatch GUI i
dont get any errors too, the only thing is that is not learning anything
from there.
Can you look in the logs (both the mail log and the web server log)
for any errors when you do sa-learn from the GUI?____
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Might be a permission issue.____
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*Sent:* 22 February 2017 22:16
*Subject:* [Mailwatch-users] sa-learn problem____
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Hi guys, i have a little problem, hope you can help me to solve
Post by PiensaHost - Hugo Loza__ __
when i use sa-learn with a email from console is all OK:____
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SA Learn: Learned tokens from 1 message(s) (1 message(s)
Post by PiensaHost - Hugo Loza__ __
i tested under root user, and under Debian-exim user and all OK.____
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The problem is when i use sa-learn from mailwatch GUI, i always
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SA Learn: Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (0 message(s)
Post by PiensaHost - Hugo Loza__ __
Why is this for? what user uses mailwatch for sa-learn ?____
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Thanks in advance!____
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Hugo Loza Guzman
First of all make sure the mailwatch config file is pointing to the
for older mailscanner: /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
newer mailscanner: /etc/MailScanner/spamassassin.conf
bayes_file_mode 0660
You then need to make sure the web server group ('apache' or possibly
chgrp -R apache /etc/MailScanner/bayes
chmod 0660 /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes*
Then restart MailScanner so that the permissions will be permanent.
You may need to adjust the paths to match your setup.
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